Out of the Box Ideas
Need some inspiration? It’s a great idea to focus on contacting prospects to identify immediate opportunities and build rapport. Here are some out of the box ways to build your business:
- Property Managers – Make a point to introduce yourself to property managers. Team up with these individuals to network with tenants renting units managed by the property manager. Using the “Stop Renting Now” Cup o’ Joe (in future issue), mail the information to each tenant and, if possible, follow up with a phone call to identify interest and schedule an appointment to discuss home ownership. You can also host a wine and cheese (or coffee) party at the clubhouse on a Tuesday or Thursday night to do a homeownership presentation to the tenants in the complex.
- Out-of-Area or State Homeowners – If you know a property management firm that handles seasonal rentals, team up with the property manager and call every homeowner. Ask each homeowner if they are planning to continue to rent their property again during season or if perhaps they are thinking of selling. As many as 10% of these homeowners will decide to sell before next season. If you don’t know a property management firm, learn how to research past records for out-of-state homeowners and apply this same approach as outlined above.
Direct Mail Campaign (on a Beer Budget) – If you’re direct mailing information to a farm less than once a month because of a budget, you could be wasting your money. Instead, identify 500-1,000 homes in your farm and calculate the cost of mailing a postcard to this group either 12 or 24 times during the coming year. If the total cost is not in your budget, no worries! Team up with 2-5 agents in your office. Include everyone’s name on the postcard and divide the cost between all 5 agents. Now your mailing campaign will be affective and it fits your budget!
- Festivals – Sponsor a booth at a festival by sharing the cost with other agents. Hang two big signs on an easel or from the table. One stating: “Free Foreclosure List.” The other, “2011 Real Estate Market Report.” Use your Cup o’ Joe talking points to gather email addresses while you pass out the list.
- First Time Homebuyer Seminars – Conduct homebuyer seminars in your office every Tuesday at 6:00 or 7:00pm. Treat each seminar as an open house by strategically posting a dozen signs at busy corners. If you can, advertise your weekly seminar in the local paper and on the radio. You can also post flyers at apartment buildings, grocery store bulletin boards, and local businesses.
Remember, the key to success with all of these programs is spaced repetition for people to get to know that you’re offering the above services.