No More Squeaky Wheels
There is an old cliché that states, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease”. This is a strategy that a small percentage of the population applies to make sure they always get what they want. These people know that the more they complain or annoy people, the more likely they are to get their attention or what they want. You should ask yourself, “Do I have any squeaky wheels as clients?” If the answer is yes, quite often they are not worth the time and energy you give them or the aggravation they cause you. This is especially true when there is only a small commission associated with a sale involving a squeaky buyer or seller. Even when the commission is substantial, the squeaky client still may not be worth it.
It’s important to track both the time and energy you give to your clients. Some of your clients require very little time, and it’s a great pleasure to work with them. These are the clients you want to seek out, not only because the return is substantial, but also because you will enjoy your career far more with easy clients. If you do a great job meeting an easy client’s real estate needs and you continue to manage the relationship after the sale, guess what you get? The answer is a lot of referrals for many more easy clients. Remember, “Birds of a feather flock together.”
Let’s consider the alternative. You are constantly badgered by a client who demands your attention. Let’s call this client a squeaky client. You meet the squeaky client’s real estate needs by giving them the highest level of service. The squeaky client is also impressed, so they refer many more squeaky clients to you. Before you know it, your entire client base is comprised of squeaky clients. Your earnings drop significantly and you’re constantly exhausted. Your career causes you to hate life, and eventually you find something else you enjoy doing and quit real estate. The seeds you plant today will become the garden you enjoy in the future. Choose your clients wisely.