One very positive indicator for homeowners selling their property is the level and quality of activity that is occurring in typically quieter periods in the market. Activity in every market nationwide has continued to remain brisk. The normal lull that occurs during the month of May, in seasonal markets such as Florida, has not occurred. Activity remains strong in these markets. More importantly, buyers seem to be much more serious about making offers when compared to the more typical “tire kickers” that have been searching in previous years during the month of May. The motivation, in part, is due to the fact that sellers who are unsuccessful during season in past years, usually recognize that they may have to wait until next season to sell their homes.
Sellers considering waiting until next season to list or relist their property may want to rethink their strategy. All indicators point to this being an ideal time to secure qualified buyers. Reports just released in most markets indicate inventory levels are declining while sales and prices are rising. With improving economic conditions and artificially low interest rates, there is an ideal window of opportunity for sellers. How long this window will remain open is unclear. It could be one month, several months, or possibly even several years. But given recent trends, the best way for prospective sellers to minimize the risks associated with home selling, is to sell now while qualified prospects are buying.