What’s the difference between people who are successful and people who have achieved great success and constantly realize their dreams? The answer is simple. People who are happy realizing their dreams hold themselves accountable for their actions, and the best way to hold yourself accountable, is to track your performance every single day of your […]
Taming the Technology Monster
Are you now feeling a lot more stress these days? Your failure to manage your communication and information systems is a big part of that stress. Smart phone technology has placed the power of the internet at our fingertips, leading to far greater personal productivity, but as with most strengths, our failure to manage information […]
What Am I Getting for My Money?
Every successful agent knows that when they’re on a listing appointment they must be able to justify to the seller what they’re getting for the commission they’re paying. If an agent can’t answer the question: “What am I getting for my money?”, they will not be chosen to represent that seller. If you as an […]
Business Management: Motivating Yourself by Building the Perfect Strategy for Every Client
Most successful agents have many buyers and sellers. The key to great success involves 3 very important steps: Choosing the right people to work with so the time spent is highly productive Creating a Strategy for each hot buyer, existing listing and hot listing prospect Having the motivation and energy to provide the highest […]
Business Management: A Must Use Weely Model
Business Management Skills: The Sales Funnel
Using Cup O’ Joes to Build an Email Database
If your Seller were to ask you to give them a copy of your Strategic Plan for selling their property, could you do it? We’re not talking about a simple marketing plan with lots of internet tracking that costs you little or no money. Nor are we talking about a boiler-plate approach that a sixth-grader […]
Improving Your Conversation Rate Using Strategic Planning
We’ve all known agents that don’t appear to know very much yet they make money. How is it that these agents can do well without having the proper knowledge? The answer may surprise you and relate to the expression “perception is reality”. You can be the most knowledgeable and efficient agent in your area, but […]
Business Management: Presentation of Year-End Recap
Don’t miss the opportunity to build relationships with your Past Clients, Advocates and Spheres of Influence. Use the outline below, to offer to share valuable information about last year’s Real Estate Trends with all of your clients. Remind them, that: – The value of their real estate and in many cases, the success of their […]
Business Management: How Do I Pick the 20 Percent Activities
Nationally, 90% of all of the income earned in real estate commissions is earned by less than 10% of the agents. Conversely, 90% of the agents fight for just 10% of the commissions. So, what is it that 90% of the agents do that keeps them from being successful? It’s simple. They focus on unproductive […]