Every agent knows that the most productive way to prospect is to get referrals from past clients, a sphere of influence, and advocates. Providing the highest level of service requires a great deal of time, energy, and effort on your part. It is not uncommon to spend so much time with buyers and sellers that […]
Prospecting: Negative Feedback Loop
When considering the risk for every buyer and seller nothing applies more appropriately to today’s economic conditions and real estate market than the term “negative feed-back loop.” What does this term mean? In a nut shell, negative feed-back loop refers to the impact bad news has on trends in the market. When bad news in […]
Prospecting: Out of the Box Ideas
September can be a quiet month. It’s a great opportunity to focus on contacting prospects to identify immediate opportunities and build rapport. Here are some out of the box ways to build your business. Property Managers – Make a point to introduce yourself to property manager’s. Team up with these individuals to network with tenants […]
Prospecting: 4th Quarter Preparation for 2012: Listings, Listings, Listings!
You know the facts. Most real estate business is driven by listings. That being said, the best way to prepare for success in 2012 is to carry an inventory of good listings into the new year and prime selling season. The good news for the agents that do have listings is that unlike […]
Prospecting: Don’t Get Sucked into the Internet Optimization Hype
There has been so much hype during the past few years about how fabulous the opportunities are with internet prospecting that large numbers of agents, and even entire companies, have made the internet the primary focus for prospecting. THIS IS A BIG MISTAKE! We recently had the opportunity to track the source of every buyer […]
Prospecting: The Secret to Success, “Take the Shots” REVISITED
‘The Great One’, Wayne Gretsky, Hall of Fame NHL hockey player once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. With the release of pent-up buyer demand and pent-up seller demand, every agent must ask themselves the questions; “Am I taking the shots?” On the seller side, according to the National […]
Prospecting: Prioritizing Your Prospects
There is a high percentage of agents that are working very diligently putting in lots of hours working in real estate yet aren’t making very much money. To determine if you’re one of these agents calculate your hourly pay as follows: Approximate the average number of hours you’re involved in real estate activities each week. […]
Prospecting – B-2-B, or Business-to-Business (Joe’s Prospecting Top Choices)
Prospecting – B2B, or Business-to-Business So, you’re worried about the “do not call” list? Tired of working late nights and every weekend. Why not try prospecting with other business professionals at their establishments? How does this work? 1. Go through your checkbook or expenses and identify a list of businesses that you already patronize. For […]
Prospecting: Identifying Rainmakers
In every group there are one or two unique individuals, or rainmakers, that stand out. These are the leaders in the group. The person that other’s trust, respect, and follow. When they talk, people listen. They are both confident and fearless. They’re the ones that are willing to take the risk. The people that make […]
Prospecting: Alternate Approach for Expired Listings
A unique approach to building a relationship with expired listings is to agree with the homeowners decision to pull the house from the market or not relist it. Most sellers that have let their listing expire or have requested to have their listing withdrawn, have not changed their mind and decided not to sell. They […]