One of the most important responsibilities you have as a trusted real estate advisor is to analyze market conditions and forecast what their impact will be for you client. This can be done for everyone you know because everyone you know will be impacted by what happens in real estate for the following reasons: They […]
Prospecting/Relationship Management: Relationship Management Email Campaign
The most cost-effective ways to maintain relationships with all contacts is to e-mail information your clients will appreciate. Follow these steps to insure you maximize the benefits of an e-mail campaign. Identify a program you want to use specifically for e-mailing. You can use: Outlook A Contact Management System- (ie; Top Producer) A Specific E-Marketing […]
B-2-B Advocacy
Two major complaints from real estate agents are: The “Do Not Call List” makes it much more difficult to phone prospect. Many of the hours spent prospecting in real estate include weekends and in some cases even evening work. Why not overcome both of the obstacles by prospecting with local professionals and small business owners. […]
Prospecting: Sensory Inventory Expression
We’re all familiar with the Principle: “If It Isn’t In Writing, It Doesn’t Exist”. The Success of your Existing Listing, Hot Buyer and Hot Listing Prospects Sales Strategies increases exponentially when you work on Written Strategies for your best clients on a weekly basis. How is this project started? It all starts with you writing […]
Prospecting: Use to Sizzle to Create Buying Interest in Real Estate
Here’s a great idea for keeping in touch with everyone you know, past clients, advocates, your entire sphere of influence and especially potential investors. With Real Estate being a big topic of conversation, why not: “Identify the most sensational “Sales” and report them each month as one of your 24 touches to everyone on […]
Prospecting: Make Your Past Clients, Advocates, and Sphere of Influence a Great Source of Referrals
We all know that referrals can be one of the most effective means of prospecting but it’s easy to overlook just how willing people that like and trust us are to help us grow our business. We also know that the most effective means of communication is through our face to face and phone conversations. […]
Prospecting- Referrals are the Best Form of Prospecting
When an Agent is new, the majority of their time is spent prospecting and the majority of time prospecting is spent building Trust and Confidence with your clients. After an agent has been in business for a while, the easiest and most efficient way to prospect is by maintaining a relationship with your sphere […]
Prospecting: The Best Way to Build a Long-Term Relationship
If you ask any investor what’s happening with their investments, they can most likely give you an immediate answer, because they know how important it is to track their investments. Not surprisingly, it is common practice for all financial advisors to give their clients regular updates on each client’s investment portfolio. Yet, when […]
Why People Do Business With Other People
Why People Do Business With Other People We’ve all known agents that don’t appear to know very much yet make money. How is it that these agents can do well without having the proper knowledge? The answer may surprise you and relate to the expression “perception is reality”. You can be the most knowledgeable and […]
Prospecting – It’s All About Asking Permission to Ask Questions (Joe’s Prospecting Top Choices)
It’s All About Asking Permission to Ask Questions Most people make a determination as to how they feel about someone new within the first few minutes of meeting them. There are 3 things you want to accomplish when you first meet a new client: You want to build rapport and trust- Do this by […]