2015 Marketing 101: Understanding the Psychology Behind a 24 Touch Campaign Have you ever said to yourself…”I’ve mailed to the same people several times with no results.” If so, you’re not alone. Most agents are unaware of the psychology behind multiple touches with prospects. Thomas Smith a nineteenth-century London businessman offered the following advice to […]
2015 Prospecting: Don’t Go Duck Hunting with a Rifle
2015 Prospecting Don’t Go Duck Hunting with a Rifle Anyone that hunts or knows guns knows the difference between a rifle and a shotgun. A shotgun shell sprays to cover a wider area, but doesn’t go very far, while a rifle travels great distance but only covers a small area the size of a bullet. […]
2015 Prospecting: The Direct Mail Campaign
2015 Prospecting The Direct Mail Campaign Every good agent knows that prospecting is one of the fundamental keys to success in business. The more contact or communication you have with people, the more successful you’ll be. There are however, two major challenges that must be addressed in order to have a successful prospecting model. First, […]
2015 Prospecting: No Return Call? Use This!
2015 Prospecting No Return Call? Use This! How many times have you taken the time to build a relationship with a buyer or seller, had them express a sincere interest, and then drop off the face of the earth? How should you handle this situation? A winning strategy for this situation requires some thought. Quite […]
2015 Prospecting: The “I Know You’re Busy” Script
2015 Prospecting The “I know You’re Busy” Script How often have you called a great prospect only to be put off by them? Nothing is more annoying than finally getting someone that you want to talk to on the […]
2015 Prospecting: The Triple A Strategy for Expired Listings
2015 Prospecting The Triple A Strategy for Expired Listings The Triple “A” Strategy, or the “Alternative Aggressive Approach“, is a great strategy to use for recently expired listings that have received very little marketing attention or exposure. Every hungry agent in […]
2015 Prospecting: Take the Shots; “The Market is on Fire!”
2015 Prospecting Take the Shots: “The Market is on Fire!” Let me spell this out very clearly. The Real Estate Market Is On Fire! Preliminary reports are in from all over the U.S. and the data is very telling. Many Agents are as busy now as they were during the height of the market. Other […]
2015 Prospecting: Name Your Price
2015 Prospecting Name Your Price Agents can expect new listing opportunities to become scarcer during the coming months. The good old days where an agent could turn down a listing because of a difficult seller with unrealistic expectations will soon come to an end. Agents that expect to grow their business during the remainder […]
2015 Prospecting: The 10/10/10 Strategy
2015 Prospecting The 10/10/10 Strategy If you want to supercharge your real estate career, you should use the 10/10/10/ Prospecting Strategy to move ahead. Affirmations are “positive declarations of who you are or what you want.” Agents can use the 10/10/10/ (Numerical) Affirmation to help them achieve their goals. And, obviously one of the most […]
2015 Prospecting: Double-Down With Your Past Clients
2015 Prospecting Double-Down with Your Past Clients Is it possible you could be completely missing lots of business that’s right under your nose? What if you could average 2 or more transactions per client? Let’s look at the facts to see if there’s business with your past clients and sphere of influence that you’re […]