How often does this scenario happen to you: You’re in the field working with your buyer or a seller. You’ve made a key point that you believe is so obvious that anyone would get it. You present the information to your client and they just don’t seem to get it? You ask yourself, “how can […]
Buyer Considerations: The Last Chance For Your Family’s Dream House
The Great American Dream has always been to buy the perfect home. In some cases, this means a home on the water or in others, it could be a home with a great back yard in a good school district. It doesn’t matter the exact criteria. The point is that it was exciting to think […]
Sales Presentations: Don’t Be a Tour Guide
How many times have you spent hours or even days showing a perspective buyer home after home after home? It seems like a good idea, but in reality, it’s not. Consider the following scenario: A couple contacts you because they’re interested in purchasing a home. The live in a different area but are planning on […]
Salesmanship: You’re Not a Salesman, You’re a Therapist
A successful strategy always starts with all of the information. An agent can develop what appears to be a perfect strategy, only to find that one little piece of missing information that is introduced, makes the strategy ridiculous. Consider the agent that spends three days showing a buyer several homes only to find out that […]
Salesmanship: Was That a Buying Sign?
You’re in the middle of a discussion with your client and it’s not quite coming together. You really want the contract to come together because you know it’s the right thing for your client. You’re not sure just how much you can push without being offensive and losing the sale. How do you handle this […]
Salesmanship: “The Big Mo”
Success in real estate sales requires strong negotiating skills. For most agents, this can be a real problem. The ability to negotiate offers to a successful conclusion requires a great deal of practice. But, unlike other sales situations, negotiation opportunities in Real Estate may be few and far between. Consider the typical agent that […]
Salesmanship: Stop Blaming the Customer, Just Keep Taking the Shots
Have you ever had an experience with your prospective clients, where you’ve totally dedicated hours, sometimes even days gathering information and sharing it with them only to have them drop off the face of the earth. Have you ever though to yourself; “How rude and disrespectful of them“? You’re probably right for feeling this way. […]
Salesmanship: The Wall of Shame, A Million Dollar Education
Advanced degrees can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Many life-long learners are surprised at just how much a good education can cost. Most real estate agents would balk at the thought at spending $100,000 on continuing education. It’s time to rethink just how expensive the learning process is for professional agents. Consider the following […]
Salesmanship: Quiz Yourself, Did You Ask the Right Questions?
The best real estate agents are like financial advisors. They must gather all of the pertinent information and then advise their buyers or sellers by sharing that information to help their clients manage financial and emotional risks. Unfortunately, most agents never get around to gathering all of the facts. Subsequently, the recommendations being made by […]
Salesmanship: Put Yourself in the Client’s Shoes
You’ve spent years developing a strong base of business and finally, the real estate market is beginning to recover. You get a call from a past client or referral and they want to list their home for sale. Because you’ve done hundreds of listing presentations, you have everything under control. Nobody can tell you how […]