One of the areas that can make the biggest difference in your income level, especially when you have a strong work ethic, involves your ability to negotiate a “deal“, or Close The Sale. This is especially true when it comes to expensive purchases that involve real estate. Even the most confident client can be intimidated […]
Closing the Sale
Sales Presentations: Unique Value Proposition
One of the most common mistakes an agent makes when making a presentation is to rely on sales materials that are provided by the company to earn their client’s business. Although this information can be a valuable crutch, because it can be used by dozens if not hundreds of other agents, it is usually very […]
Salesmanship: Using Tie Downs to Reinforce
Make this technique a natural part of your sales presentation process. The art of asking questions to close the deal is one of the most important and most difficult skills to develop. Many successful agents do a great job identifying logical recommendations for their clients, but they inadvertently present the logic in the form of […]
Closing the Sale: What Would You Do if You Were Me?
Salesmanship: Answering the Question, How are You Different?
Any successful business can answer the question, “How are you different than your competition?” Before anyone will do business with you, you must be able to answer this question, or, to put it another way, “Why should your prospects do business with you?” The answer to this question is also called your “Value Proposition”. In […]
Salesmanship: Ask for the Order
According to a recent national radio ad, 80% of all sales production can be attributed to just 20% of the salesman. This same ad also claims that 83% of sales professionals never even ask for the order. Unfortunately, both non-verified statistics above are probably even worse in the real estate industry. Most real estate agents […]
Salesmanship – Why?
Trusted advisors in every industry whether its wealth management, health and psychology or even real estate, all recognize that it is critical for their clients to have great trust and confidence in their advisor’s ability to assist them. You can be the smartest, most experienced, most knowledgeable agent in your area, but none of that […]
Salesmanship – How Does That Make You Feel?
The real estate industry is finally beginning to return to normal. Over the coming months, real estate agents will find both buyers and sellers becoming less interested in focusing exclusively on price and more interested in focusing on the emotional benefits of owning (or selling) real estate. Real estate has always provided far greater emotional […]
Salesmanship: Take the Shot & Ask for Forgiveness
All successful agents know that “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Conversely, the key to success is to take as many shots as possible. It seems easy enough to apply this principle. It’s Nike’s “Just Do It” mentality. In reality, there are a number of reasons why it may not be as […]