Success in Real Estate Sales requires strong negotiating skills. For most agents, this can be a real problem. The ability to negotiate offers to a successful conclusion requires a great deal of practice. But, unlike other sales situations, negotiation opportunities in Real Estate may be few and far between. Consider the typical agent that […]
Salesmanship – The Fact-Benefit or What This Means to Your Approach
Most successful Real Estate agents are well-versed about the important facts that impact their clients. But knowledge is only half the battle. The other key ingredient for success with buyers and sellers is in an agents ability to deliver this information in a meaningful way to clients. Agents have a tendency to blurt out […]
Salesmanship: That’s Exactly Why
How often have you lost control of a conversation when a perspective buyer or seller asks a question that allows them to get the information they’re looking for and subsequently has no need for your services? For example, you’ve jumped through hoops in an effort to get the phone number of the homeowner whose listing […]
Salesmanship- It Doesn’t Matter What You Think
All too often talented, knowledgeable, and successful agents can hardly wait to voice their opinion. They reason that knowledge is power. And, if they have all of the answers, why shouldn’t they impress their clients with their intellectual prowess. In theory that strategy may seem to make sense, but in practice, when you’re attempting to […]
Salesmanship – The Secret to Exponentially Expanding the Impact of Your Message
How many times have you found yourself pulling your hair out dealing with a client who just doesn’t seem to “get it?” The facts you’re presenting are undisputable. You’ve told them over and over again, yet they remain steadfast in their unwillingness to accept the inevitable. What’s an agent to do when they find themselves […]
Salesmanship- It’s Not About Knowing all of the Answers, It’s About Knowing How to Find Them
Every wise man must know one thing: A nuclear engineer was fortunate enough to be offered an engineering position building nuclear power plants for Bechtel Corporation. Despite the fact that there were many other brilliant engineers that worked for the company, he rapidly rose through the ranks and eventually achieved one of the highest level […]
Motivation – How’s That Working for You?
An aggressive way for you to point out that your clients are employing an insanity strategy, (definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over again, and expect different results!), is to point out their repetitive use of the same strategy, then point out the lack of success using that strategy, […]
Can’t Miss Daily Time Management
Can’t Miss Daily Time Management How often have you said to yourself, “How can that agent make so much money when they’re not near as talented as I am? Or, Doesn’t work nearly as hard as I do”. This is a question that many agents ask themselves when they meet an agent making lots of […]
Seller Strategic Brief Workshop
Name: _______________________________________________ Current Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________ Cell Phone: __________________ Office: ___________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________ Source: _________________________________________________________________ Why are they selling? ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What do they like about their home? ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What don’t they like about their home? _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What do they like about their neighborhood? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What don’t they like […]
Buyer Strategic Brief
Buyer Strategic Brief Name: _________________________________________________________ Current Address: _____________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________ Cell Phone: _____________ Office: ________________ Email Address: ________________________________________________________ Source: ______________________________________________________________ 1. What do you know about their family? _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What do you know about their occupation? _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you know about their recreation or what they do outside of […]