2015 SALESMANSHIP Ask for the Order The most important close that an agent can and should use is the “Ask for the order,” close. This is the easiest close to understand, but it also may be the most challenging, because the delivery is critical. Once an agent concludes that the timing is right to go […]
2015 Prospecting: Real Estate Questions to Ask Every Seller
Real Estate Questions to Ask Every Seller We’ve discussed the importance of building a relationship of Like and Trust with a prospective seller by focusing on personal information about their Family, Occupation, Recreational Likes, and Plans for the future. But, it’s also important to ask questions specific to the property before you build your marketing […]
2015 – Salesmanship: 10 Key Points to Successful Selling
3.20.2015 2015 – Salesmanship: 10 Key Points to Successful Selling Next step—Always have a next step for your very best buyers, sellers, listing prospects, and advocates or past clients. Track—Track results for all 20% activities both daily and weekly. Also, track the results of your next steps and continuously refine your strategies. Take the Shot—With […]
Salesmanship – Don’t Assume Logic with Clients
Salesmanship – Don’t Assume Logic with Clients How often does this scenario happen to you? You’re in the field working with a client. You’ve made a key point you believe is so obvious, anyone would get it. You present the information to your client and they just don’t seem to get it. You ask yourself, […]
Sales Presentations – Unique Value Proposition
Sales Presentations – Unique Value Proposition One of the most common mistakes agents make during a presentation is to rely on sales materials provided by their company to earn business. Although this information can be a valuable crutch, because it’s used by hundreds of other agents, it’s usually very generic in nature and doesn’t address […]
Sales Presentations – Don’t Be a Tour Guide
Sales Presentations – Don’t Be a Tour Guide How many times have you spent hours or even days showing a perspective buyer home after home after home? It seems like a good idea, but in reality, it’s not. Consider the following scenario: A couple contacts you because they’re interested in purchasing a home. They live […]
Salesmanship – Quiz Yourself, “Did You Ask the Right Questions?”
Salesmanship – Quiz Yourself, “Did You Ask the Right Questions?” The best real estate agents are like financial advisors. They must gather all the pertinent information and then advise their clients by sharing that information to help them manage risks. Unfortunately, most agents never get around to gathering all the facts. Subsequently, the recommendations made […]
Salesmanship – You’re Not a Salesman, You’re a Therapist
Salesmanship – You’re Not a Salesman, You’re a Therapist A successful strategy always starts with all of the information. An agent can develop what appears to be a perfect strategy, only to find that one little piece of missing information made the strategy ridiculous. Consider the agent that spends three days showing a buyer several […]
Salesmanship – Using “Tie-Downs” to Reinforce
Salesmanship – Using “Tie-Downs” to Reinforce Make this technique a natural part of your sales presentation process. The art of asking questions to close a deal is one of the most important and most difficult skills to develop. Many successful agents do a great job identifying logical recommendations for their clients, but they inadvertently present […]
Salesmanship – Hold Your Tongue!
Salesmanship – Hold Your Tongue! A buyer, seller or an associate wants to meet with you. They’re frustrated about an issue and they want to discuss it. You’re familiar with the concern and agree to meet with them. You can tell during the meeting that they are passionate about their position. It seems like they […]