2014 Closing the Sale – Use the Six-Shooter Strategy to Close
There’s an old expression in sales that states:
“Selling doesn’t begin until you get your first NO.”
The sales profession pays extremely well because you have to be more than a customer service professional. You’ve identified how to help your clients, you also have to be prepared to encourage them to move ahead with their decision, and that’s not always easy. The decision to buy or sell a home is usually one of the most important decisions a person can make because it involves a large sum of money. It’s not uncommon for you to find the perfect home, yet still have your buyer be resistant to place an offer. This is due to the fear of making the wrong decision coupled with a lack of experience in the process, which can cause paralysis, even when the right decision is obvious. This is why it’s so important for an agent to not only help identify the best possible choice for their clients, but to also be prepared to use sales and negotiating skills to help their client move forward with their decision.
This is why closing the sale and overcoming objections is similar to being in a gunfight. If you come to the fight with only one bullet, say by asking your buyer or seller to go to contract, you’re likely to lose the fight. On the other hand, if you come well prepared with multiple approaches or techniques to use, it’s like having your guns full of ammo. Just like a gunfighter, if you shoot once by trying one closing technique and it doesn’t work, shoot again using another approach. You continue this process until your client is comfortable finalizing the agreement.
Knowing what approaches you can use in advance of your appointment is the same as having your gun fully loaded. If you use one, or shoot once, and your buyer or seller agree to move forward, there is no need to try another approach or shoot again. But, if you shoot once and it doesn’t work, shoot again by trying another close. If that doesn’t work, keep shooting with other closes until your successful. If you don’t use all possible approaches and your client makes the wrong decision, it could have a dramatic impact on their quality of life. That’s why it’s so important to learn different techniques and come to the gunfight fully armed.