Who would have thought that Forest Gump could be so “spot on”? Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get. You won’t get any enjoyment out of life unless you take chances. How does this apply to your life? When you don’t take a chance, you can’t savor the taste of victory. Most people don’t put themselves out there for fear of rejection. How much sense does it make to let fear govern the quality of your life? When you try something new, if you don’t like it, so what? Just like eating chocolates, you can just discard the ones you don’t like and try another until you find your favorites.
It’s no surprise that prospecting is also like a box of chocolates. You only find the best treats when you take a shot. More specifically,
- The buyer you schedule an appointment with could be the best person you’ve met all year.
- The seller you call back, could own the most expensive home in the neighborhood.
- The mailing you send out could lead to several great prospects.
- The event you attend could lead to a number of new buyer and seller prospects.
- The Power Lunch you have with one of your best advocates, may be the best meeting of your life.
In all of the above activities, the point is obvious. Take a chance on the unknown. Why? Forest Gump had it right. Very few things in life are as satisfying as eating chocolates, especially when you don’t know which one will be the best!!