2015 Listing Presentation
Avoid Cutting Your Commission When There Is A Quick Sale
Here’s the scenario, you spend time and money marketing your services to get listing calls, make a great presentation and get the listing and are able to sell it right away, and instead of your seller being overjoyed with your success, they ask if they if you will cut your commission because you didn’t have to do that much.
The best way to deal with this issue is to address it before it happens. In other words, discuss the possibility of a quick sale at the time the Listing Agreement is signed. Consider the following approach:
“Mr and Mrs. Seller, I think we can all agree that our goal is to sell your home at the highest possible price, in the least amount of time, with as little stress as possible, isn’t that right?”
“As you know, I’ve spent the last ____ years successfully representing my clients. During that time, I’ve developed a network of hundreds, maybe thousands of contacts. I’ve also mastered the art identifying the target market of buyers that are most likely to want your home, creating catchy headlines to get their attention, and presenting your home in the most attractive way to draw their attention. I’ve also built great relationships with agents in our area that are most successful bring buyers to the table. I’m sure you also know that I’ve become a very strong negotiator.”
“Occasionally, when I list a home and broadcast it to my extensive network of contacts, we are successful very quickly. This success is usually a result of my ____ years of experience in real estate. The good news is that when I am this successful so quickly, I never ask for additional compensation from my clients. In turn, all I ask is that if this happens and we are successful this quickly selling your home, you don’t ask me to reduce my fees”
“After all, it’s taken me ______ years to become an overnight success!” That’s fair, isn’t it?
You can also defer to your Broker’s or Company’s position on commission reduction by saying:
“My Broker does not allow me to reduce my fees when there is a quick sale, because they spend a great deal of money representing some properties that don’t sell. I guess their feeling is that it all balances out.”