When a seller is deciding who should represent them with their real estate needs, they will make the decision based on two criteria:
- Who they like and trust.
- Who they feel will best represent their needs.
Your potential clients will decide if they like and trust you based on your ability to sell yourself during the warm-up phase of your presentation. They will decide if you will best represent them based on the rest of your presentation which must show how you are different than everyone else.
Use the key categories below as a guide to how you can convince your prospects that you bring a much higher level of service to your clients.
- The Company’s Global Reach – What does your company do to reach the entire universe of buyers?
- Local Dominance – What facts show that your company gets the buyer calls?
- Company Affiliations – What are they and how do local, national, and international affiliations make a difference?
- Team Collaboration – Two heads are always better than one. Who do you brainstorm with to meet their selling goal?
- Personal Resume – What skills or expertise do you bring to the table that make you the best in the industry?
If the above questions are answered properly and the warm-up goes well, you will come away with the listing nearly every time!