Did you ever wonder what the best, most precise presentation in real estate would look like? Listen carefully, cause your about to receive the secret to dazzle both your buyer and seller prospects. Keep in mind that less is more, KISS (Keep It Simple Salesman or Stupid). Also keep in mind that even though you work for a great company, your prospects will decide who they do business with based on what you bring to the table as opposed to your competition.
Are you ready for the secret? It’s your resume, if it shows great success selling property for other clients. Wait a minute, what if you don’t have the best resume and you’re going up against an agent with vastly superior production? What do you do then?
No problem. We’ve got an ace that just may trump production. What is it? Testimonials! If you have a dozen, or perhaps even a hundred testimonial letters from clients that have done business with you and speak very highly of the service you provided to them, you can neutralize even the best top producers.
Why is it so important to have so many testimonials? The more specific the testimonial letter is, or the more your prospect can relate to the people or subject being discussed, the greater impact it will have on your prospects. If you have dozens and dozens of testimonial letters and you know them inside and out, you can refer to your book of testimonials and select 3 or 4 that apply specifically to the prospects you’re working with now.
For example,
- If you recently worked with a buyer or seller in a particular neighborhood, share a testimonial with other residents in that neighborhood.
- If your selling prospect is a CPA or engineer, share a testimonial from an engineer that praised your analytical skills.
- If your seller is moving to Boston, share a letter or praise from a buyer that recently moved from Boston.
Get the point? The greater the association with the prospect, the stronger the testimonial will be. That’s why it helps to have so many to choose from. How do you get a testimonial? Just ask for it. Better yet, if they’re happy to give you a reference, but don’t know what to write, offer to rough out a letter that they can use as a guide, based on the service you believe they appreciated the most or what you think will help you with future prospects. You’d be surprised at how many of your past clients will be more than happy to give you a glowing recommendation. There’s nothing more impressive, perhaps not even a production resume, that is more powerful than testimonial letters.