We’re all familiar with the fact that most people learn through spaced repetition, which means the more times you’re exposed to a concept or an idea, the more ingrained in your thought process that idea becomes. We call this spaced repetition. That’s why affirmations are extremely important.
An affirmation is a positive declaration of who we are and what we want.
Verbal affirmations can be powerful, but not near as powerful as written affirmations. When you document a goal in writing, you commit to it physically, emotionally, and psychologically.
Why not use the power of affirmations and spaced repetition as an important step to achieving your goals in 2014. This is quite simple. Just make a list of the top 10 things you want to accomplish both personally and professionally during the coming year. Type these goals on card-stock paper in big, bold print, itemize them 1-10, and print out a hard copy to place in your daily planner, on your bulletin board, your mirror, or even use as your screen saver. You may even want to put them on a note card to carry in your pocket. By continuously seeing these goals in writing, you will stimulate your subconscious to work in your favor to achieve these goals. If you aren’t sure how to achieve them, your subconscious will figure it out. If you need help getting started, use the FORBES method as a guide:
- F amily
- O ccupation
- R ecreation
- B ody & health
- E ducation
- S pirituality