Open Houses Are One of the Best Ways to Prospect for Buyers
Here are some great suggestions to maximizing the return from your Open House Strategy.
Do Double-Duty– If you’re getting traffic on Sundays, consider having an Open House on Saturday as well.
Double-Up On Signs– You’re at the Open House to secure Buyer Prospects. Invest in 10-12 signs and use them. Also, the bigger the better for exposure purposes.
Impact Signs– Your signs are a reflection of you as a successful agent. If your signs look like they’ve been through the melt-down, you lose credibility. Replace them with attractive, colorful signs. Also, include some movement to attract attentions, such as:
Neighborhood Invitations– Walk the neighborhood to meet the neighbors and invite them to the Open House. It’s a great way to get more Face-To Face’s and build your Farm. You can also mail postcards in advance of the Open House.
Thank You Notes– Send notes to everyone that visited the Open House as the initial follow-up.