The second step in a perfect presentation is to impress the selling prospect with the value your company brings to the table. Selling the company should include key facts such as:
• Your company’s local market dominance – A picture is worth 1000 words, charts and graphs displaying market share vs. competition and long-term success are very impressive.
• Global internet presence – Internet exposure on the most popular websites, including,,, and Social Media sites proves that you are able to cast a wide net that ensures exposure to all potential buyers.
• Luxury Affiliation – In addition to global internet exposure, participation in luxury groups and other networks also help provide optimum exposure of the listing.
• Print media and advertising – The strength of internet exposure should be supplemented with additional local media exposure within newspapers and magazines
• Local networking – Your company’s involvement in local groups and support of charitable organizations will prove that your company is committed to the success of the community.
• Leadership and support staff – Praising the direction that you get from your company’s leadership team and the staff support they provide proves that a team effort is being made to help the seller achieve success.
For every seller, there’s piece of mind associated with the knowledge that the right person and the right company have been selected.