Your listing prospect likes and trusts you, and appreciates that your company offers global exposure and support needed to achieve your efforts. The third area of focus should be how you are presenting their property to all prospective buyers. By using professional photography and agency quality ad copy, buyers will be compelled to:
1. Want to see the listing
2. Be in the right frame of mind to like the listing when they arrive
3. Make a good offer on the property
4. Settle on a higher price to purchase the home
First impressions are lasting impressions. Compare the quality of your photography, presentation of past listings, and marketing materials to what is being provided by other agents, and the difference will be obvious. Your presentation of a property should always have the following:
1. Identification of a target market
2. Compelling headline to appeal to that market
3. A strong call to action
Educating your selling prospect on the importance of the above will help them realize the highest possible price for their home.
Showing them the difference between your marketing material and those prepared by other agents will also help them recognize the value that you bring to the relationship.