We’ve all heard the expression, “no decision, is in reality, a decision.” The same philosophy applies to the habits that you’re forming from everything that you do.
In order to understand this concept, you must recognize that when you do something over and over and over again, that spaced repetition is creating a habit. There are two types of habits: good habits, and bad habits. Your life dramatically changes for the better if you are constantly creating “new good habits.” Unfortunately, the quality of your life can quickly deteriorate if you are creating “new bad habits.”
Remember, life is measured in inches, not miles. The small decisions that you make everyday will ultimately lead you to great success or disappointing mediocrity. Consider the good and bad habits listed below and ask yourself how the habits your forming on a daily basis impact your business:
- You prospect everyday and prospecting becomes a habit and your business grows. Or,
- You only prospect occasionally which means your practicing “not prospecting” until “not prospecting” becomes a bad habit and your business fails.
- You know you should focus on the most important tasks by prioritizing so you make a list of the most important things to do every day and accomplish them. Your business explodes. Or,
- You are too lazy to change by having a written priority plan every day. Instead, you practice being lazy every day until you’ve mastered the behavior and could win “a lazy competition.” Your business continues to decline.
- You recognize that you will only get better by tracking your results. So every day you evaluate your performance, look for ways to improve, and identify your next best steps. The result? You can’t keep up with your new business. Or,
- You track nothing, keep making the same mistakes every day, and are frustrated because of your lack of success. Your business fails because of your bad habit of never changing.
Do you see how it works? Everything that you do creates a habit that encourages either good or bad behavior. The choice is yours make the right decision.