How many times have you taken the time to build a relationship with a buyer or seller, had them express a sincere interest, and then drop off the face of the earth? How should you handle this situation? A winning strategy for this situation requires some thought. Quite often, agents will use the insanity approach by leaving the same message over and over again via the phone or email.
This approach is seriously flawed. Why would you continue to leave the same message if it hasn’t worked? Worse yet, why would you try the same mode of communications with the same message over and over again? This makes little or no sense and is where you have to do more than just “Take the shots“. Instead, let’s put a little brain power into this situation by getting a little creative.
So what does it take to get a return call? First, it’s important for us to consider why they may not be returning your messages. Keep in mind that even though this is a top priority for you as an agent, (a 20%’er), there may be higher priorities that are requiring their attention. The key is to figure out how to make responding to you a high priority on their list. This is unlikely to happen if you’re leaving the same tired old message using the same tired old medium.
Instead, why not change your approach, and possibly even the mode of delivery? Why not leave a creative message that will prompt a response? Consider the following examples.
Don’t call and say:
“George, this is Mike Kelly. I’ve left you a couple of messages. Could you please give me a call back?”
Instead call and say:
“George, this is Mike Kelly. I’ve called and left several messages. I’m getting a little concerned that you may have been abducted by aliens. Could you give me a call back and let me know you’re okay?”
Don’t email the same message over and over again. Instead, mail them a handwritten letter that states the following:
“George, when we last met, it seemed that you and Linda were very interested in submitting an offer on the oceanfront condo in The Ivy. You and your wife both impressed me as being very professional. I’ve left several messages for you both and have not heard back. I’m a little concerned that I may have done something to offend you. If I have, I want to apologize in advance. If you’ve decided against moving forward at this time, please let me know as I don’t want to appear to be a pest. Either way, I look forward to hearing from you to determine what our next step should be, if in fact there is one. I can be reached at _______. I want to thank you in advance for your response. Kindest Regards, _________.”
One final point to consider: You’re not being a pest if they don’t contact you. Change your message around using a different strategy or statement each time. And, continue to contact them until they tell you to stop. If it’s just a timing issue or they have a genuine interest, they will eventually respond. If not, after a while, they’ll tell you to stop.