Every agent knows that the most productive way to prospect is to get referrals from past clients, a sphere of influence, and advocates. Providing the highest level of service requires a great deal of time, energy, and effort on your part. It is not uncommon to spend so much time with buyers and sellers that there is little time in the day to prospect.
A great approach when working with buyers and sellers that appreciate your efforts is to take advantage of the situation by asking for referrals. In other words, every time your clients compliment your efforts, let them know how much you appreciate their help in letting other people know about the quality service you provide.
When a buyer or seller have expressed their appreciation use the following approach:
“John and Mary, I appreciate you recognizing the effort I am putting in on your behalf. I’m wondering if I could ask for your help? I spend so much time providing the highest level of service to all of my clients, that I have little or no time left to create relationships with new clients. If you happen to know of anybody that is thinking about buying or selling, please don’t keep me a secret. After all, it’s people like you that have really helped me become successful.”
Keep in mind that your buyers and sellers are most likely to remember to refer you when you make the above statement when they’re excited about what you’ve done for them.
We always say you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. In basketball, this shot is called the lay-up.