2013 Prospecting – The Low Hanging Fruit
The easiest and best business opportunities are usually a result of three key ingredients. They are;
- Timing • Initiative • Positioning.
Like a “Perfect Storm”, it’s rare when they all come together at the same time. But when they do, wow can you make some serious money!Let’s review each of these ingredients to evaluate what kind of opportunity exists now for agents
- Timing- Successful strategies are almost always a result of great timing. Just think about people that invested in Google and Apple stock years ago. Their timing was perfect. Conversely, very smart people chose to buy real estate at the height of the market and lost nearly 50% of their equity. Their timing was bad. Even when you are well prepared, have a great strategy and work hard, if the timing is bad, you may not succeed. Because everything is cyclical with ups and downs to be expected, it’s important to identify and exploit “up cycles”. Where are with respect to cycles in real estate. There’s no guess work left.
If you’re an agent, the coming year should be one of the best we’ve ever seen for making money
Question #1- Are you prepared to exploit the coming boom?
- Positioning– The agents that will be best positioned to exploit the opportunities in real estate during the coming boom, will be agents that have already spent years in the business. These agents have a network of past clients, advocates and a very strong sphere of influence. Most of the work that needs to be done is already finished because these are people who already trust you as an agent. Most likely, this group either has a real estate need, or have friends, family members and associates they know who have a real estate need.
The more people you know, the better positioned you are to exploit the boom.
Question #2- How many people do you know that respect, like or trust you?
- Initiative– As an experienced agent, if the timing is perfect and you know lots of people, there is still one very important ingredient to great success in 2014. You have to contact take the initiative to contact the people that you know. Sitting back and waiting for them to contact you is not a good strategy. It’s true, some will find you. But for every person that takes the initiative themselves to contact you, it’s likely there are a dozen others that will end up doing business with someone else because you never took the initiative. Don’t let this happen.
Contact everyone you know and ask them if they know of anyone that is thinking about moving.
Question #3- Are you contacting everyone you know to take advantage of the low hanging fruit?
You’ve worked too hard to lose the easiest opportunities. The time to get going is now, not in January or even tomorrow!
Final Question- The clock is ticking!! Why haven’t you started
METAMORPHOSIS CONSULTING | 1401 Highway A1A • Suite 201A | Vero Beach, FL 32963 | O: (772) 234-0301 | F: (772) 234-0304 | www.metworldwide.com |