The most cost-effective ways to maintain relationships with all contacts is to e-mail information your clients will appreciate. Follow these steps to insure you maximize the benefits of an e-mail campaign.
Identify a program you want to use specifically for e-mailing. You can use:
A Contact Management System- (ie; Top Producer)
A Specific E-Marketing Company- (ie; Constant Contact)
If you’re using Outlook, be sure not to e-mail to more than 50 people at a time. If you send an e-blast that has more, your Service Provider will likely spam-block you e-mail.
Set up your groups– as follows:
Sphere of Influence– including past clients, advocates, family, friends, business contacts.
Prospective Buyers– Anyone who has expressed an interest in buying real estate.
Prospective Sellers– All of your Existing Listing contacts, as well as all Listing Prospects.
Farm Area– The specific geographic market you have identified, if any.
List of Agents– The agent’s you have identified that you want to share information with, including top producing agents.
Permission- Don’t e-mail anything until you’ve been given permissionto keep your groups “in the loop”. If you don’t get permission, you’re spamming, and will likely lose the benefits of an e-mail campaign.
E-mail Gathering– Be sure to include getting additional e-mails from all contacts every week. To maximize your contacts, you should plan on eventually having 1,000 or more contacts in your e-mail database.
Frequency– Plan on contact your groups 2x per month or 24 touches per year. E-mail once each month, and direct mail once each month. If you can’t direct mail because of cost, send 2 e-mails each month.
Many business professionals have taken “cloud” communications to the next level and are now beginning to text messages to all of their clients. This may be intrusive, unless once again, you’ve been given permission to do so.