Salesmanship, Closing The Sale- Auto Industry Close
Another great close for agents to use is the Auto Industry Close. After years of rapid growth and great prosperity, the automobile industry experience the same downturn in contracts as the real estate industry. At the peak of activity, there were over 16 million sales recorded by the automobile industry worldwide. This was remarkable because experts in the industry had anticipated demand to be between 13-14 million units. The natural occurrence of overselling inventory for several years, ended up causing a dramatic downturn in sales when the economy tanked. Automobile sales dropped to below 10 million units worldwide, even though the demand for autos should have remained at over 13 million cars per year, because of increasing driving populations worldwide. This situation created “Pent Up Buyer Demand”. Even without a significant turn-around in the economy, the Automobile Industry has done an about-face and is well on the road to recovery.
The Real Estate Market will most likely follow the same pattern exhibited by the auto industry. Significant “Pent-up Buyer Demand” and substantial “Shadow Inventory” and “Pent-up Seller Demand”, will eventually crest. When the flood-gates open, sales activity could be very significant and cause the Real Estate Industry to once again be well on its way to recovery.