Salesmanship – The Art of Delivering Bad News
As a trusted real estate advisor, it’s your responsibility to anticipate the “what-if’s” and is “is it possible’s”. It’s also your responsibility to help your clients reach logical conclusions while overcoming emotional responses.
This can be very difficult, especially when egos are involved. It’s not uncommon for buyers and sellers to act foolishly just to prove that they were right. That’s why it’s important for you to be prepared to play the devil’s advocate.
There are three steps you should take when delivering bad news to avoid having your clients take their frustration out on you. They are:
1. Complement your client and let them know how much you enjoy working with them.
2. Let them know you’re on their side and will be behind them 100% with whatever decision they make.
3. Remind them that it’s your job as their trusted adviser to take into account all pertinent factors, even the ones that can be frustrating.
By taking the steps above, you can ensure that your client doesn’t take their frustrations out on you, especially when they feel like they’re spending or losing a lot of money.