Most successful Real Estate agents are well-versed about the important facts that impact their clients. But knowledge is only half the battle. The other key ingredient for success with buyers and sellers is in an agents ability to deliver this information in a meaningful way to clients.
Agents have a tendency to blurt out key points without considering the most effective way to deliver this information. In the future, when you’re anxious to get a point across, you shouldn’t assume that your clients will automatically understand the impact of the fact you’re presenting. The Fact-Benefit Approach can be a very effective way to conveying key information to your clients. Under this approach, an agent will introduce a key fact and explain how that fact impacts the Buyer or Seller. This is a fairly simple approach to use. Just remember, every time you introduce a fact, be sure to explain to your client what it means to them.
Here are examples of how this can work.
1. Buyers
- Fact- The Interest Rate is as low as it’s ever been
- Benefit- This means that you’re able to purchase a better property, or purchase the same property and save tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the mortgage.
2. Sellers
- Fact- Sales Activity has increased sharply over the past month
- Benefit– What this means to you is there is a window of opportunity to sell while the market is hot.
3. Sphere of Influence
- Fact– I have great news about the recent appreciation in local real estate
- Benefit– This means you can look forward to increasing your net worth with your real estate holdings
4. Prospecting
- Fact– I’ve recently completed comprehensive research on local real estate market trends
- Benefit- With this information you’ll have everything you need to make the most informed decision possible about your real estate goals.
Notice in all of the above examples, the benefit or impact of each important fact was identified and shared in a clear, concise manner. This is the way all information presented to your clients, should be shared. Remember, it’s just a matter of answering the question,
“What this means to you.”