Seller Close – Pent-Up Seller Demand
Many Seller’s may be very optimistic in terms of how long it will be before the Real Estate Market returns to normal. Many believe that the market will be back to normal in a couple of years, when it could take many, many years to recover. One of the reasons it could take so long, is that tens of thousands of sellers are thinking the same way. These sellers are avoiding listing their property for sale right now. They are holding out until the economy or Real Estate Market recovers. We call this Pent-Up Seller Demand. Imagine how many people will want to immediately list their property for sale, once the economic news is good. And, imagine how surprised sellers will be to find that inventory levels have spiked even during the initial phases of good news. Don’t let your Seller’s make this mistake. Remind them of the “Pent Up Seller Demand” and the impact it is likely to have on the number of new listings that may flood the market.