When prospecting for buyers there may be a group of potential buyers that have been completely overlooked. Most sales professionals recognize that past clients are an ideal source of referral business.
However, there is another group of potential buyers that are easy to identify and have an affinity to real estate. In general most people who own real estate have purchased their property for use as a primary residence. There are also thousands of individuals who have purchased additional real estate for either investment or vacation purposes. The latter group has purchased additional real estate because they enjoying doing so, and in most cases buying and selling real estate for this group is emotionally satisfying. Without realizing it you may know dozens of people that have a weakness for purchasing real estate.
Best of all, this group can be very easy to identify. In social settings asking questions about real estate can help you identify individuals that own multiple properties. In addition, it is easy to research local tax records and identify multiple property owners. Once these strong buying and selling candidates are identified they can be added to a 24 touch campaign. Someone who has a passion for buying and selling real estate is a reload prospect. Their appreciation for real estate makes them ideal clients because they are likely to buy and sell their properties with an agent many times over during a five to ten year period.
If you know of individuals that have bought and sold real estate multiple times in the past, be sure to add them as top prospecting priorities.